Author Archives: Jim

Health Hazards of Using Allopathic Medicines for ED

Most allopathic drugs create an erection by relaxing the smooth muscles and widening the blood vessels in the penis. While these medicines do produce penile erections for the time being, there are a number of drawbacks associated with their long term use such as: Temporary effect: Most of these medicines such as Viagra and Levitra work to enhance erection only temporarily and for short term. In most cases, erection produced by these High costs: Compared to natural or herbal medicines, most of these pharmaceutical drugs or allopathic […]

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Vitamins for Penis Health

The health of your genitals (reproductive organs) is an important part of your life. While you can take care of your nutritional needs to maximize your sexual desire and build enough energy for sexual activity, taking care of the body organs (such as penis) involved in these acts is vital as well. The health of your penis plays a role in your general health, and there are a variety of vitamins and herbs you can use to make sure it is in top working order. One of the most […]

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Pomegranate for Better Penis Health

Cultivated in the Himalayan regions along with the Mediterranean, South East Asia and USA, pomegranate is a fruit that has several benefits. Punica granatum L, more commonly referred to as pomegranate, grows on a tiny tree and both the fruit and the leaves of the plant have various medicinal properties. The fruit contains several enzymes, proteins and bioactive substances that help in treating ailments like cancer, heart disorders, dental conditions, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, obesity and even infant brain ischemia. The anti-oxidants, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties of the […]

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All About Zinc

Zinc is a mineral, a natural element, which is crucial in the production of testosterone and the zinc content of the prostate gland and sperm is higher than in any other part of the body. Therefore, a deficiency of zinc not just a causes sexual health problems, such as sperm abnormalities and prostate disease, but it is also needed for all round wellness of your whole body and general health. Dietary sources of Zinc Lean red meat, whole-grain cereals, pulses, and legumes provide the highest concentrations of […]

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Pomegranate – The Fruit of Passion

The pomegranate is a native fruit of Persia or Middle East. Its name in Latin means “apple with many seeds.” The fruit, which is about the size of an apple, has a thin rind lined with a layer of white membrane which divides the fruit into several cells. Each cell contains numerous seeds encased in a juicy pulp. The outer rind color is pink to deep red when the fruit is mature on the most popular varieties for eating. Because of its numerous seeds and its red […]

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Understanding Erectile Dysfunction

One in every ten men is effected by ED. Thankfully in most cases the problem is easily cured and one can continue to lead a sexually active and satisfying life. ED is defined as the ‘repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse despite being aroused.’ Keep in mind that the ‘occasional’ inability to achieve an erection is not ED, the problem is significant only when it is a constant issue. The causes of ED vary drastically. Essentially it is a lack […]

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Herbal Solutions for Perfect Erections

High blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, insomnia and even skin ailments can be treated effectively with herbal remedies. This holds true for ED too. And, this is the reason why herbal pills have proved to be much more effective in treating ED as opposed to prescription drugs. ED is caused due to lowered flow of blood into the penile region. A lowered testosterone level is also known to cause ED. Age and stress, are two main factors that lead to a drop in testosterone as well as […]

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ProSolution Pills: Natural and Effective Ingredients

When it comes to male enhancement and men’s sexual health products, Pro Solution Pills have set themselves apart from most of the other products on the market. This is due to a variety of reasons, with the first would be the list of natural, potent, and effective ingredients. In order to help you better understand all of the benefits that Prosolution Pills can bring to the table, let’s delve deeper into what the ingredients are. The mixture of physically potent ingredients and ingredients that target the psychological […]

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Does Age Matter?

There have been numerous debates about age and how it does it affect a man’s ability to function. Old age and ED It is a known fact that as we grow older, the functions of our body slow down. Right from the metabolic rate to sexual performance, everything goes on a decline. Apart from the hormonal changes in the body, stress, lifestyle and nutrition also contributes to make an older person less effective. This is why ED is a problem that is often associated with those over […]

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Methyl Sulfonyl Methane

By its chemical nature, Methylsulfonylmethane (or MSM) is considered an organic form of sulfur, a very important mineral that is present in relatively reduced quantities in the various fluids (such as blood) and tissues of your body. While performing various other important roles in the body, MSM also has one more, although less explored, but even more important significant functions in the body. Experts now believe that MSM, to some extent, can actually enlarge your penis. However, the question whether this enlargement is permanent or not, is […]

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