Author Archives: Jim

Premature Ejaculation: More Than Just Embarrassment

70% of sexually active men would have suffered an episode of premature ejaculation sometime or the other in their lives. While a one off PE episode is not worrisome, the problem takes on larger proportions when it occurs almost every time. PE is defined as ejaculation that happens right before, during or immediately after vaginal entry. PE can exist from childhood itself and is categorized as primary type PE. On the other hand, when the problem develops during adulthood, it is known as secondary PE. While PE […]

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Male Sexual Dysfunction

Male sexual dysfunction is a change in your ability to have or enjoy sex like you did before. These changes are sometimes referred to as sexual dysfunction caused by certain diseases (such as cancer) or their treatments. What is the difference between erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction? At this point you should not confuse the term “sexual dysfunction” with “erectile dysfunction”. While both terms are interrelated, there are certain key differences between the two conditions. First of all, erectile dysfunction is only specific for men. However, sexual […]

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5 Ways To Last Longer In Bed

Do you struggle with premature ejaculation? Okay, maybe you are not ready to admit that you may have a PE problem – and that’s okay. But do you at least wish you could last a little longer in bed? Sure you do! All men do. Whether it’s to satisfy our ladies a bit more, or have a little more fun for longer periods of time, we all wish we could last a little longer! Here’s the good news, it’s very possible to do so!  Here are six […]

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Six Secrets of Her Sexual Desire

You’ve heard of the old saying, “what goes up… must come down,” right? Well, with sexual desire, it’s no different. The fact is that you will have “ebb and flows” to your level of sexual desire, and so will your lover. The trick is to be able to extend the times “you are up,” and limit the times you are “down.” Here are five secrets of doing just that: Do the Dishes: Most researchers suggest that when women feel as though the chores are done — this […]

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Increase Your Libido Naturally

Many men have a desire to increase their libido because they are aware that they do not have the sex drive they once had in their youth.  This has led them to search for procedures and remedies that may improve their libido. Reduction in Libido Men experience a reduction in their libido for a variety of reasons that include: getting older, being in poor health and suffering from erectile dysfunction.  The most common problem attributed to libido problems is erectile dysfunction. This condition is the inability to […]

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How to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

How to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Statistics show that 5% of men suffer from impotency even before they are 40 years of age; 20% have the problem by the time they are 65. Thankfully, ED is curable. However, rather than seeking a cure for the problem, it is advisable to try and guard against it and thereby, prevent the disorder. Remember a stitch in time saves nine. A few preventive measures related to ED that you can easily follow are: Medical — Since the roots of ED do lie in medical problems also, […]

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