Tag Archives: enhancers

Phases of Human Sexual Response Cycle

A human sexual response cycle is  the overall period during which people are sexually stimulated and have sex with one another. Sexual response stages are similar in both females and males but not identical. It means that, while the stages or phases in both genders are more or less same in sequence and general features, they do differ in mechanism and some other characteristics. Following is a general overview of human sexual response cycle and mostly represents those features that are considered to be common or similar […]

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Is Folate Important for Your Sex Life?

What is Folate? Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin that occurs naturally in food. Folic acid is the synthetic form of Folate that you will find in supplements and fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals and breads. Folate is a general term used for the various forms of the B vitamin. The parent form is folic acid. Sources of Folate Folate can be found in green, leafy vegetables, fruits, and dried beans and peas. Many grain products are also fortified with folic acid, such as breads, cereals, […]

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Penis Hygiene Tips: What to Do, What Not

Introduction Hygiene is a cornerstone of modern civilization. It might be said that hygiene has become one of those things that are taken for granted among civilized people. Accumulated dirt, sweat and bacteria (or germs) in the intimate area can cause infections at one point or another in the future. Penis hygiene, therefore, is part of the daily cleaning “ritual” and is considered to be just as important as overall hygiene. The sex organs are more sensitive than other parts of the body and frequently engaged in […]

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Penile Injection Therapy to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Penile Injection Therapy has been used for several years to stimulate erections in men with various disorders. It has also been used by men with poor erections due to diabetes and other medical problems for many years. If used properly, it will restore the ability to obtain erections to most men following a spinal cord injury. However, you should remember that any of the penile injections will not enable you to ejaculate. What drugs are used in penile injections? Various drugs have been found to be capable […]

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Ejaculation and Premature Ejaculation

Ejaculation is something that you can control by full means. Any man can learn to control his ejaculation in the same way that he has learned to control the bladder (Toilet Training) when he was younger. And the best part is; you are unlikely to forget to control your ejaculation once you’ve learnt it. Premature ejaculation or PE is one of the very common sexual dysfunctions in men who are less than 40 years of age. What is premature ejaculation? This condition as defined as having ejaculation […]

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Delivering the Best Orgasms

When I was in high school, I wasn’t voted “Mr. Sportsman” or nominated for the “Cutest Smile,” but I would later make up for this in my own way and with my own title: “Most likely Able to Give The Best Orgasms.” No joke, I have been told by ex-girlfriends that I give the best orgasms. You can take your “Most Likely to Succeed” title and throw it out the window — I’d take this title any day. Whatever you do and wherever you are, if having […]

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All About Zinc

Zinc is a mineral, a natural element, which is crucial in the production of testosterone and the zinc content of the prostate gland and sperm is higher than in any other part of the body. Therefore, a deficiency of zinc not just a causes sexual health problems, such as sperm abnormalities and prostate disease, but it is also needed for all round wellness of your whole body and general health. Dietary sources of Zinc Lean red meat, whole-grain cereals, pulses, and legumes provide the highest concentrations of […]

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Understanding Erectile Dysfunction

One in every ten men is effected by ED. Thankfully in most cases the problem is easily cured and one can continue to lead a sexually active and satisfying life. ED is defined as the ‘repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse despite being aroused.’ Keep in mind that the ‘occasional’ inability to achieve an erection is not ED, the problem is significant only when it is a constant issue. The causes of ED vary drastically. Essentially it is a lack […]

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Does Age Matter?

There have been numerous debates about age and how it does it affect a man’s ability to function. Old age and ED It is a known fact that as we grow older, the functions of our body slow down. Right from the metabolic rate to sexual performance, everything goes on a decline. Apart from the hormonal changes in the body, stress, lifestyle and nutrition also contributes to make an older person less effective. This is why ED is a problem that is often associated with those over […]

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Premature Ejaculation: More Than Just Embarrassment

70% of sexually active men would have suffered an episode of premature ejaculation sometime or the other in their lives. While a one off PE episode is not worrisome, the problem takes on larger proportions when it occurs almost every time. PE is defined as ejaculation that happens right before, during or immediately after vaginal entry. PE can exist from childhood itself and is categorized as primary type PE. On the other hand, when the problem develops during adulthood, it is known as secondary PE. While PE […]

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