Tag Archives: mens desire

Five Great Places To Have Sex

The most memorable sexual experiences are shaped by where and when they occur. Sometimes this is brought on by a little fear of being caught or the actual experience of having an entirely new experience all together — or both. There are some really great places to have sex that can induce excitement and whispers around the water cooler about you. The Stairway: The fear of being walked in on and the raw sexual passion of two people engaging in sex here can cause anyone to remember […]

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Easy Steps To Have More Sex

So you’re sitting at home, wondering why you’re not enjoying more sex in your life, right? Join the club. Most men feel this way at some point in their lives. Not long ago, I too, found myself in this very large group of men, wondering why and how my love life went cold. I was after all, not a bad looking guy, educated, had a decent job, and was, for the most part, funny. Still, I couldn’t get laid for the life of me. Then things changed […]

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Lasting Ideas on How to Satisfy Your Woman through Anchors

So, you think you know how to satisfy your woman? Well, if you’re like most men, than you’re probably thinking that there isn’t much left to learn in the world of female satisfaction. Interestingly, survey after survey suggests otherwise — In fact, many women still continue to fake their orgasms, as well as a significant percentage of them remain “not as satisfied” with their sex life, when comparing sex with their past lovers. That means that most of the time, they think someone in their past was […]

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5 Ways To Last Longer In Bed

Do you struggle with premature ejaculation? Okay, maybe you are not ready to admit that you may have a PE problem – and that’s okay. But do you at least wish you could last a little longer in bed? Sure you do! All men do. Whether it’s to satisfy our ladies a bit more, or have a little more fun for longer periods of time, we all wish we could last a little longer! Here’s the good news, it’s very possible to do so!  Here are six […]

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Six Secrets of Her Sexual Desire

You’ve heard of the old saying, “what goes up… must come down,” right? Well, with sexual desire, it’s no different. The fact is that you will have “ebb and flows” to your level of sexual desire, and so will your lover. The trick is to be able to extend the times “you are up,” and limit the times you are “down.” Here are five secrets of doing just that: Do the Dishes: Most researchers suggest that when women feel as though the chores are done — this […]

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